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보건교육사회적협동조합 사이트 그룹

공개·회원 10명
Hermann Fomichev
Hermann Fomichev

Feitian Rockey4 Emulator Rar [NEW]

the rockey4/netrockey4 has also been designed to reduce the impact of wear and tear on the dongle connector. rockey4/netrockey4 connector has been developed to withstand many tens of thousands of rotations. the pin spacing in rockey4/netrockey4 has been optimized to provide low contact resistance.

Feitian rockey4 emulator rar


the rockey4/netrockey4 can be installed on the parallel port of the motherboard, the enclosure or the exterior panel. the rockey4/netrockey4 is a drop-in replacement dongle. by replacing the cabled dongle (eg. rs232, rs422 or rs485), the rockey4/netrockey4 can be attached to the data interface port of the host computer.

the rockey4/netrockey4 allows installation on the parallel port of the motherboard, the enclosure or the exterior panel. the rockey4/netrockey4 is a drop-in replacement dongle. by replacing the cabled dongle (eg. rs232, rs422 or rs485), the rockey4/netrockey4 can be attached to the data interface port of the host computer.

1. if you use rockey4 with the standard keyboard layout (us keyboard), you can set the xmodmap command to: xmodmap -e "add evdev click=3b". this maps the evdev click event to the third button on the left button.

2. if you use rockey4 with the japanese keyboard layout (japanese keyboard), you can set the xmodmap command to: xmodmap -e "add mod3b click=3b". this maps the mod3b click event to the third button on the left button.

3. if you use rockey4 with the mandarin keyboard layout (chinese keyboard), you can set the xmodmap command to: xmodmap -e "add mod3b click=3b". this maps the mod3b click event to the third button on the left button.


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  • Jonah Stribling
    Jonah Stribling
  • Oliver Lee
    Oliver Lee
  • Barbara Abney
    Barbara Abney
  • Wallace Angelo
    Wallace Angelo
  • Ivan Sokolov
    Ivan Sokolov
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